The United Methodist Church of Garrettsville
Saturday, April 20, 2024



Welcome to the GUMC Nursery!

We welcome you to our Garrettsville UMC Nursery page. We would love for you to visit our church and bring your young children to our nursery. The Bible tells us in Psalm 127:3 that children are a gift from the Lord. This God-given trust is vitally important to us. Both parents and church volunteers play an essential and influential role in making God’s love real to these little ones. Children are recognized as a very special gift. We value each of them as unique and special, to be cared for and nurtured, and shown the love of Christ.

Our Goal:
 To provide safe, quiet, and gentle care while taking the opportunity to teach babies through associations and feelings; feelings that later develop into concepts and attitudes about God, going to church, and how they should respond to other people.  It is our desire to become an extension of your home, providing both quality care and a secure environment for your child. Since Jesus placed such a high emphasis on little children, we feel that we must do the same.
What to bring:
Diaper bag or backpack with an extra diaper
Sippy cup or bottle - labeled with your child's name
Extra change of clothes in case of an accident
Please notice our windows into the Nursery which provide safety and transparency into all that we do.
Hours are Sunday's from 9:30 - 10:45 
For additional information, call the Garrettsville UMC office @ 330-527-2055